Want to REALLY save the world?
If we want to save the world. Love one another. Why? Because we are the world.
If we want to save the world. Love one another. Why? Because we are the world.
Psalm 24.1 + John 3.16 = Operative words: World and Whosoever.
Luke 10.27
John 13.34. That’s all.
“My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty… (from America by Samuel Francis Smith). Still aspirational, but can we finally “manifest” this?
Romans 12.21
Life is both test of, and an opportunity to grow, our love, our joy, our peace, our patience, our kindness, our goodness, our humility and our self-control. If we want to pass the test of life, we must be willing to apply these attributes in real-time to how we think about one another. Spirit First.
While some might be waiting for war to break out, I (and others) am earnestly waiting for revival to break out. (Psa 85.6). Selah.
Perhaps we should consider leaning into the “love your neighbor” part of the Bible (Mar 12.30-31) rather than the “for the love of money” (1 Tim 6.10) part of the Bible. Selah.
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’S name is to be praised. (Ps 113.3)
Unhinged? You know what needs to be unhinged? The unproduced, unmanufactured, unpretentious, unmanipulated, uncelebrity-centric songs of praise flowing from the hearts and mouths of God’s People…those who believe or want to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior of ALL humanity. Psalm 95.1
Is that the cry of REPENTANCE I hear reverberating in throughout the heavens? Thought I heard something. Just checking.
Your legacy is not about what you do for selfish gain. Your legacy is what you do selflessly without expectation of gain.
We are where we are because somewhere along the way we decided that our arguments against one another are greater than our prayers for one another. God is watching. Selah.
Want world peace? Start by making your personal peace a priority.
“God desires our trust more than our ‘correct’ beliefs.” ~Peter Enns
Being at the “bottom of the food chain” should never mean that there are fellow humans who are without food, clothing or shelter.
“Happiness is not found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release.” ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Love works miracles in stillness.” ~Herbert Read
Happy New Year! Believing with you for an abundance of manifested blessings and breakthoughs.
#DearChristians: Which of the 7 churches are you attending today? Selah.