Hi, it’s Michele.
Thank you for joining me for this segment of Chaplain Michele
If you are better at challenging others, than you are at challenging yourself, you are missing the point of life.
If you are better at challenging others, and I need you to hear me on this, because you’re failing at this every single moment of our lives in many instances.
We are not paying attention to and understanding the spiritual implications of why we are here and what we are to become while we are here. We’re missing the whole point.
If we are better, if you are better, if I am better at challenging others, at judging others, at correcting others, than we are at challenging, correcting and judging ourselves; and I don’t mean — we have a disease called judgmentalism. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the ability to be self-aware and to recognize where our “ish” is internally then judging, evaluating and assessing yet not being judgmental, which is condemnation, which is degrading, which is diminishing.
So, when we learn to assess ourselves first, to challenge ourselves, to judge ourselves first, we are on the path to lead transformed and transcendent lives.
If you’re not willing to do that, you’re missing the spirit of life and of why we are here. It’s not to do better, it’s to become better. Then, we become better, we automatically do better.
We need to be less destructive. and more constructive. and the only way that that can happen is when we start looking at ourselves first, spirit-soul-body. Belief-intention-thought. Because if we look at those things, then we understand why our behaviors are the way they are.
So, if you look better at challenging others than you are challenging yourself, you are missing the point of life and the universe will judge and challenge accordingly.
My name is Michele.
Thank you for joining me for this segment of chapter.
I’ll see you next time. Bye-bye.